Kes Sectional Sofa Sale

by Gabriele & Oscar Buratti

KES is a modular system seating for furnishing outdoor spaces. The main objective is to create endless and articulated compositions; sofas, chaise and lineal and angular poufs.  Armchairs formed by individual elements or large islands as a results of the union of several parts. The most characteristic of this collection is the visible cut in the basic volume, as a kind binary and include additional elements such as backups, armrest and table.  The cut becomes architectural, decorative and functional symbol characterized as distintive and functional, simple but also complex, valuable for the product. 

Price: $3,810.00 Retail, $2,286.00 Sale
Please inquire for additional discounts or trade pricing


White Lacquered


59 1/4" x 35 1/2" x 15 3/4"

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Kes Sectional Sofa Sale Kes Sectional Sofa Sale